Tuesday, December 29, 2015
May the coming year bring more happiness to you than last year. May you have an amazing 2016.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Merry Christmas to all of you! 2015
Heaven and earth is ready to Celebrate
The birthday of our Savior
Who has sacrificed himself
to save us from our sins
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Sad Photo of Police Hugging His Dying Horse
A photo of a police officer hugging his dying horse has gone viral on Facebook with the online community offering their sympathy. The photo shows a police horse lying down on the street with a police officer comforting and hugging her. The horse name was Charlotte and she's with the Houston Police Department. The police officer embracing her is her partner Officer D. Herrejon.
The horse got was spooked by a cement truck, she bucked the rider and ran into the street, a truck which is running fast hit her. The truck driver, however, is “not believed to be at fault” for the crash.
The Houston Police Department announced Charlotte's death last Thursday on their Facebook Pagea:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Woman posted A Picture of her dog with a Duct Taped Snout
Katie Brown thought it was funny to post a picture of her dog with a duct-taped snout on Facebook with the caption "This is what happens when you don't shut up!!!" It went viral and people are not happy and accused her of abusing her poor dog. Her post is no longer posted, she may have took it down to avoid the backlash but was too late. The City of South Daytona, Florida was inundated with messages from concerned citizen reporting that the dog was in danger, since Katie Brown hometown posted on Facebook is South Daytona, Florida. However, authorities located her in North Carolina.
She was later identified as 45-year-old Katharine Lamansky she was charged with animal cruelty by officials in Cary, North Carolina.
The dog in the picture was examined by the local authorities and found to be in good condition. Cary Police Captain Randall Rhyne stated:
"Taping the dog's muzzle shut was a terrible decision on Ms. Lemansky's part, and charging her with animal cruelty under North Carolina law was the right thing to do. At the same time, it's important to also note that our animal control officers who physically examined both Brown and her littermate found the dogs to be very well cared for, which is why we did not and could not remove them from the owner. The dogs are current on their shots, spayed, and microchipped. They are clean and well-nourished and appear to be comfortable in their surroundings. And there were no signs of injury to Brown's muzzle, not even detectable hair loss."
Monday, November 23, 2015
Owner Gave Up Dog for Being too Clingy
A dog named Jubilee was surrendered by her owner (who should have fish as pet instead) to a Texas animal shelter because the dog always wants to be by her side. The great thing about this story, she ended up with a new owner who loves her to be always by her side.
Samantha Fewox new owner said "It touched me. She loved so much. I knew I was supposed to have her."
Finally, all those love Jubilee have will be reciprocated.
whole story here...
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sugar Substitute Xylitol are Deadly to Dogs
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol used as a sweetener and are found in "sugar-free" chewing gums, mints, other candies, and toothpaste. Veterinarians warns pet owners that Xylitol is 100x more toxic to dog than chocolate. It's perfectly safe for humans but not for dogs.
Veterinarian Crystal Decker of Rascal Animal Hospital in Dublin said Xylitol can kill your dog,
“Even a single stick of gum could potentially cause a toxicity, so any exposure at all to Xylitol we really recommend seeking immediate medical attention because even a tiny amount can cause a serious issue,” she said.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Research: Pet Dog may help Reduce Child's Asthma Risk
According to a Swedish research, young children who are raised with a pet dog in the households or farm animals are less likely to develop asthma.
The research suggest exposure to dog dander in infancy might actually be beneficial. Children who grew up living with a dog in their home were less likely to have asthma at the age of 7 than children without dogs. As for those who live on a farm with many animals seemed to have more protection, cutting the risk of asthma by about 50%.
(Animals groom themselves by licking. Skin cells covered in saliva are the animal dander.)
Professor Tove Fall (Lead scientist) of Uppsala University in Sweden, said: "Our results confirmed the farming effect and we also saw that children who grew up with dogs had about 15% less asthma than children without dogs."
She said this fits with the hygiene hypothesis which favors exposure to dust and dirt to improve our tolerance of common allergens. The findings should also provide some reassurance for parents.
"My take-home message from this study is that parents at this point do not need to worry about keeping their dog or getting a puppy when expecting a baby for fear of asthmatic disease," She added. "I do want to be clear that this recommendation is valid only for families without a child already having allergies. If they already have a furred-animal-allergic child, we do not recommend them to get a furred pet."
This is a really good news since a lot of family with pets and expecting a baby are worried about having a pet at home with a new born baby.
More about this story
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Happy Halloween pet lovers!
I hope you enjoy your Halloween festivities with family, friends, and pets this year and carve some incredible jack-o-lanterns and create some amazing costumes! Have so much fun trick or treating!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
New Breed of Dogs that are Stronger and Faster
Remember the 1990's thriller movie "Man's Best Friend"? Where a genetically mutated dog escape from the lab of a mad with the help of an animal rights advocate. It's now happening according to a report from "MIT Technology Review"
The experiment was done in China using DNA manipulation (gene editing) to produce faster, stronger, breed of dogs with more muscle mass to be used for police and military application.
Scientist said that using a naturally occurring DNA mutation in the myostatin gene results to more muscled whippets. They have found out how to simulate this gene mutation in other breeds of dogs and have used it to create beagles that have twice the normal muscle mass.
Liangxue Lai, a researcher with the Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, said “The dogs have more muscles and are expected to have stronger running ability, which is good for hunting, police and military applications.”
Lai and her colleagues submitted the results of their study last week in the Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. They said that they intend to create dogs with other DNA mutations, including ones that mimic human diseases such as Parkinson’s and muscular dystrophy.
“The goal of the research is to explore an approach to the generation of new disease dog models for biomedical research.” “Dogs are very close to humans in terms of metabolic, physiological, and anatomical characteristics.”
What they did was directly inject gene-editing chemical agents into more than 60 dog embryos that is designed to destroy the dogs’ myostatin genes that naturally inhibit their muscle growth.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Story of a Frozen Wolf Rescued
Navarre a wolf got stuck in a freezing cold river in Italy. She was suffering from hypothermia, when she was rescued by very brave souls. She was taken out from the freezing water and was brought back to life. She was still conscious while standing in the river.
Rescuers tranquilize her and the team worked quickly to bring her to shore. Unfortunately, her body began shutting down from hypothermia, and she went into cardiac arrest. They performed CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. She was taken to a nearby animal Rescue Center then once she was stable she was sent to St. Michael’s Hospital for exams and testing.
After 4 months of her rescue, she suffered a “sudden malaise” her body deteriorated and passed away.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Small French Bulldog Chase Away Two Large Bears
Two bears who were seen on a cam jumping over the gate maybe searching for food but instead they were chased by an angry tiny French Bulldog. The French Bulldog named Jewels is 5 years old and looked pissed when she saw two bears entering her territory.
The tiny frenchie, scared away the two bear cubs with her tenacity and non-stop barking.
Dog owner David Fernandez said, “I couldn’t believe it, that she turned into the Wolverine." Jewels walked away unscathed. Fernandez has lived in Monrovia, California for more than 10 years he said wildlife encounter has been spiking.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Baseball ball-fetching dog Miss Babe Ruth Retires
Miss Babe Ruth the black Labrador retriever of Greensboro, N.C. is an adorable ball-fetching dog which worked for the Class A Greensboro Grasshopper has been in her job since August 2, 2006. She retrieved both bats and balls for players and umpires to the delight of fans. She is officially retired last night after 649 consecutive games.
The baseball team gave her a retirement party last night. She wore an orange dog tuxedo she even arrived in a red convertible, and got the red carpet treatment.
Friday, August 14, 2015
High Tech Dog Collar to Keep your Buddy Safe
Check out this high-tech smart dog collar that keeps your dog safe and healthy. The "Buddy" collar which is created by Squeaker can track your dog's activity throughout the day. The collar is connected into the owners smartphone using Android or iOS app. It shows your dog's activity like distance that the dog walked, or number of stairs climbed is collected by the collar. You can also measure your dog’s food intake to see if you’re overfeeding it or not.
Using the app you can also set up a geofence, where you can place an area which your dog is allowed to play and run. If your dog goes outside the area, the device will send you a text message. It also gives you GPS information so that you can always track your dog’s location.
Squeaker is looking for funds on Kickstarter for this new product.
The collar is also equipped with color LED light and using the App you can customize the collar’s colors. The Buddy collar cost $300.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Dog buried alive in France
An man was arrested by authorities after a photo of a dog buried alive in France was posted on social media. The dog which is a French mastiff was rescued last Saturday August 1 when a man who is walking his own dog saw the buried dog in Carrieres-sur-Seine, west of Paris.
He posted on his Facebook page, the picture of the buried dog with the message, "Only her head was visible and it was difficult to see given the amount of earth covering her."
According to authorities, the dog was buried with dirt and stones and the hed was attached to a sack of gravel to keep the dog tied down.
The man who discovered the dog called the emergency services and began to free the animal. The dog, "shocked and dehydrated" was rushed to a veterinary clinic nearby.
Police traced the owner which is a 21-year-old male and he was taken into custody. He denied burying the dog, saying that the animal had run away. However, investigators doubt him since the dog is more than 10 years old and suffers from arthritis. It's difficult to imagine her running away.
He will be put on trial for animal cruelty and could be sent to prison for 2 years and be forced to pay a fine of up to 30,000 euros ($32,600).
* Stupid cruel people should just kill themselves.....what did this amazing dog have done to you to deserve this. May you rot in prison!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The Dog Friend is a Dolphin
A Labrador dog from Countryfile in Ireland has an extraordinary relationship with a dolphin. The dog which is owned by a local hotel has a habit of swimming with his special friend, a dolphin named Dougie. Both of the are seen swimming together and playing in the water. The dog is an excellent swimmer.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
US Soldier Made Friends With 3 Dogs, which saved his life
Sgt. Chris Duke who was serving 3 months in Afghanistan made friends with three stray dogs. He feed, pet, and took care for the 3 stray dogs. The dogs reminded him of home and made his time away more bearable.
One day a suicide bomber tried to attack his base, the 3 dogs named Sasha, Target, and Rufus begin barking and biting the attacker. The suicide bomber blew himself up before he could kill 50 soldiers. Thanks to these dogs. Sasha was severely injured and had to be put down. Rufus and Target were nurse back to health and reunited with Duke in the US.
Monday, June 22, 2015
German Shepherd Looked Emotionally Defeated When He Learn His Family Gave him Up
Check out a photo of a German Shepherd dog who looked dejected and heartbroken when he realized that his family won't be taking him home. His name is Vash. Vash is a 4 year old neutered male black and tan German Shepherd dog mix.
He was left behind at a kennel at the Baldwin Park Shelter in California.
Check out more information about Vash on Baldwin Park Shelter Facebook page.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Alligator Riding Raccoon
It's a crazy world. A man hanging out with his family in Florida has chance upon a raccoon riding on the back of an alligator.
Back in March Mr Le-May a photographer captured with his camera a weasel riding on the back of the woodpecker. It seems that rodents have found different ways to travel.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Save on Pet Medicine
Pet Medicine are expensive and if our pets are sick since it's unexpected expense it can mess up the household budget. Here's how you can save money on medicine for your pets:
- Instead of buying your pets medicine directly from veterinarians which most of the time more expensive try to shop around you can also get pet medication in Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid etc.
- Try other treatments for minor condition like flea and tick infestation, ask your vet the best over the counter treatment for your pets.
- You can also try online pharmacy and match the prices:
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Acupuncture for your pets
Acupuncture relieves stress for aging and pets who are in pain. Needles are inserted and a low-level electrical current flow to the needles. It is the same as in human acupuncture. After the treatment pets shows less pain and they move easier.
However, pet acupuncture is not cheap the initial consultation and treatment starts at $220 and the followup treatments may cost $73 up to $100.
Acupuncture has been use in animals in China. According to the American Animal Hospital Association and American Association of Feline Practitioners (joint guidelines), there is a solid and still growing body of evidence for the use of acupuncture for the treatment of pain in veterinary medicine to the extent that it is now an accepted treatment for pain.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
MAY is Pet Cancer Awareness Month
Blue Buffalo, Petco and Petco Foundation are teaming up for the 6th annual Pet Cancer Awareness Month in May for a fund raising to increase the awareness and fight this terrible disease. Their goal is to raise $2 million. Cancer is a devastating disease for both pets and humans.
To have a fighting chance, cancer needs to be detected early so that it can be treated more effectively. The Veterinary Cancer Society has come up with 10 Early Warning Signs to detect cancer in pets:
- Abnormal, persistent swelling
- Sores that do not heal
- Loss of weight
- Loss of appetite
- Bleeding or discharge from any body opening
- Offensive odor
- Difficulty eating or swallowing
- Hesitation to exercise or loss of stamina
- Persistent lameness or stiffness
- Difficulty breathing, urinating or defecating
If your pet is manifesting these early warning signs, you should brought your pet to your veterinarian as soon as possible for a more complete examination.
Keep your pet away from environmental toxins like lawn fertilizers and surface and rug cleaners that have warning labels relative to children and pets. Experts say that there is a link between environmental toxins and cancer.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Dude Gave the Monkey the Finger, Monkey Retaliates with a Kick
You should never mess with a monkey. A teen learned it the hard way in Shimla, India a security cam shows the guy taunting the monkey first then gave the monkey the finger, in return the money drop kicks the guy to the head that knocked him down. The appears to be shaken, but seems to be doing okay.
Monkeys in Shimla are notorious for being hostile and aggressive. They are not pleasant at all and often causes problems to tourists and locals heading to Jakhoo temple, which is dedicated to the monkey god Hanuman.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Video: Chimpanzee Got Tired of Being Filmed Swat the Drone from the air
A really mad chimpanzee who got tired of a drone filming him waited on a tree for the drone to pass-by near him then swatted it out of the air and into the ground. The video was posted on YouTube by Burgers' Zoo in the Netherlands.
The zoo uses drones to monitor a group of Chimpanzee. It was taken in the morning of Friday, April 10th, 2015. All things are going well until the drone pass-by an angry chimp with a tree branch who seems to be waiting for it to get close enough to be swatted.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Undeclared Meat Ingredients in Pet Foods Can make them Sick
Most “wet foods” for cat and dogs has undeclared (missing on product labels) ingredients of beef, chicken and pork that can get your dogs or cats sick. It can cause serious allergies, gastrointestinal disease, chronic ear inflammation, and diarrhea.
According to a research, the DNA test these pet foods has “unspecified animal species” in 14 of the 17 tested products( included are Nestle Purina, Mars and Hill’s Pet Nutrition). The researchers said that they cannot identify the meat.
Professor Kin-Chow Chang the senior author of the University of Nottingham report said in a press release,
“Shoppers maybe be surprise to find out that prominently described contents such as beef on a tin could, within the guidelines, be a minor ingredient, have no bovine skeletal muscle meat and contain a majority of unidentified animal proteins.”
He also said that there should be "Full disclosure of animal contents will allow more informed choices to be made on purchases which are particularly important for pets with food allergies, reduce the risk of product misinterpretation by shoppers, and avoid potential religious concerns.”
The journal Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica is suggesting that it is time for a more rigorous regulation of pet foods worldwide to stop misleading labels and poor quality meals for dogs and cats.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Dog Save Her Nine Puppies from Forest Fire by Burying Them
A mum dog saved her nine puppies from a raging forest fire in Valparaiso, Chile by digging a hole and burying them to protect them from heat and fire. Then she ran away to safety. Rescuers found all 10 dogs alive and well.
Thousands of people have been evacuated due to forest fires that are engulfing large swath of land in Chile and Valparaiso, a city in South America. Residents saw the dog moving her pups and reported it to the firefighters. They searched for the dogs and eventually found the puppies in a hole near a large metal storage container. They also searched for the mother and found her inside a burned down home near the puppies.
The rescuers named the dog Negrita or Blacky in English, they are now a local animal organization. A lot of people have donated and offering to adopt the puppies and the mom dog.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Dog born without eyes Helps the Sick
Smiley is a golden retriever in Canada who was born without eyes and with dwarfism. Smiley was rescued from a puppy mill when he was two years old. He was trained as a therapy dog, which he is doing for 10 years.
"People were so drawn to him, so inspired by him. I realized this dog has to be a therapy dog. I have to share him." his owner Joanne George said on CBS News. "Dogs can come back from anything, they forget their past. We as humans, dwell on the pas."
Smiley is a certified therapy dog, he is with the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog program which visits and give joy to patients at retirement and nursing homes. He also joins special needs children at a library reading program.
There was one instance when Smiley visited a nursing home and one of the patient who don't speak nor communicate started to smile and make some noise when the dog put his feet up in front of him. All of the nurses rushed into the room and said they've never seen him smile nor gave any kind of reaction.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Pit bull Police K-9s
Yes, they have a bad reputation with the media due to misconceptions but pit bulls if trained, cared, and love are just like any other dogs. They are loyal, intelligent, energetic and sweet creatures.
Universal K-9 is training five pit bull mixes from Austin Pets Alive, if they qualified they will work for departments in the US.
They are training unwanted shelter dogs that are not getting adopted, saving the dogs from being euthanize.
Hulk: The World's Largest Pitbull
At only 18-months-old, Hulk is huge at 175 pounds. He looks really intimidating specially with his massive head and huge jaw. If he bite your arms, it'll be like chicken bones. Hulk is owned by Marlon Grannan and his wife Lisa Grannan, according to them he is a gentle and sweet family dog and their 3-year-old son Jordan's best friend.
Grannan wants to change the bad reputation of Pit Bulls in the media, he said "Because Pit Bulls are only in the media when bad things happen, this myth of them as monsters gets perpetuated. "But it's not true. They might not be for everyone, but under a good leader and with proper training, they make amazing family and work or protection dogs."
They owned Dark Dynasty K9s, a kennel that breeds and trains American Pit Bull Terriers as protection dogs for clients worldwide.
What I don't understand is why do they have to cut his ears? I see a lot of Pit Bulls with cut ears? Why do they do that?
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Cute Dogs Waking Up their Owners for a walk
Check out "Grey" uploaded by "autoedit" on Youtube. The owner said that eventhough the cute Pitbull has a doggie door to the backyard she still wake her owners up to get some attention.
This is the adorable Lexi, a very fully, snow white, Samoyed. She's really cute and watch how she gently wake her owner up below:
This is the adorable Lexi, a very fully, snow white, Samoyed. She's really cute and watch how she gently wake her owner up below:
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Pet Clones, Stuff Toys that looks like your Pet
Do you want a stuff toy that looks like your pet? Cuddle Clones makes customized stuff toys that looks like your real pet. The company clone mostly dogs but they also clone cats, hamsters, and other pets. You can also asked them to capture the unique features of your beloved pets like his/her spots or his/her dopey looks to make it more realistic.
The Pet Clones can serve as a physical reminder of your pet that you can cuddle when they are gone. If you decided to have a toy version of your pets it will cost you from $199 upwards and you have to wait for up to 5 months for your order. That's pretty expensive.
I lost my best friend just last year, yes it's heartbreaking but I don't think a toy version of him will help. The memories that he left behind is more than enough.
You can check out their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/CuddleClones
Friday, January 30, 2015
Is Raw Food Diet for Pets Safe?
A lot of pet owners are now giving their furry family members raw-food diet instead of giving them bag dry foods or wet canned pet foods. Raw food diets has become increasingly popular for pet owners but could this could put them at risk of food-borne illnesses.
On CBSNews cat owner Bobby Fintor of New York said that his cats are more lively and energetic when he switched to raw meats.
"My cats are 10 and 11 years old and they act like they're five. They poop less. They shed less. They seem to be full of more energy."
People who say raw meats are good for pets say that it is their natural diet and that it can give pets better digestion, a healthier coat and superior oral and general health since when you cook foods it destroys natural enzymes and nutrients pets needs for their well-being.
However, veterinarians said that this practice may endanger your pets since raw meat, fish, pork poultry, and eggs may contain disease-causing organisms like salmonella, E. coli, listeria, staph, campylobacter and clostridium according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA). These disease can also be passed to their owners. Pets could transmit these bacteria to their owners even if they don't show symptoms.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Before and After Pictures of Rescued Pets
Check out some very touching pictures of pets before and after finding a new home and a family to take care of them. You will see their faces changed within days after being adopted. The pictures are uploaded by pet owners from all over the world on Reddit, BeforeNAfterAdoption
Here is Spokey a Labrador mix, you can see the remarkable change in the dog's face and aura after just one day when he was adopted. The owner said that Spokey was very shy when he first saw the dog at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals centre (SPCA) in West Virginia. But it all changed when Spokey was adopted, as you can see in the 2nd picture, Spokey looked so happy.
Here's another rescued dog! so cute!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Dog Takes Bus Ride to dog park
I saw this on the news today, a 2-year-old black lab named Eclipse ride the bus alone without her owner to get to the dog park and other passengers in Seattle love her. It was first reported on KOMO-TV they were surprised to see the dog get off the bus alone at the dog park.
Eclipse is owned by Jeff Young who lives near a bus stop. Once the bus stopped in front of Eclipse she hops onto it, sit and ride about five stops to get to the dog park.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Pets Safety In Cold Weather
You pets may have thick coat to protect them from cold but animals can still suffer hypothermia or frostbite even with those thick coats. When wind chills drop to minus-5, you will feel cold even if you are in a fur coat.
Here are some pet safety tips during Cold weather:
- During cold weather your pets should be inside the house. Similar to humans, pets are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia and should be kept inside. Their fur is not enough to keep them warm. Huskies or dogs with thick coat are more tolerant of cold weather, but still you should not leave your pets outside for long periods of time in below-freezing weather.
- If it is too cold even inside the house, give your pets a coat or sweater with a high collar or turtleneck. They should be covered from the base of the tail to the belly.
- If your pets have to stay outside during cold weather, give him/her a solid shelter that can withstand wind and will keep your pets warm inside. It should have three enclosed sides. The floor of the pet house should be a few inches above ground to minimize heat loss into the ground. The beddings like straw or hay should also be thick and dry that is changed regularly.
- The door to the pet house should be build away from prevailing winds. Avoid space heaters and heat lamps due to fire and burn risks.
- Provide your pets with unlimited access to fresh, non-frozen water. You can use heated water bowls so that their water does not freeze, and replenish them frequently. Lack of enough fresh water can cause dehydration which can lead to kidney failure.
- Old and sick pets may suffer more from arthritis during cold months. Outdoor exposure should be limited during extreme weather.
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