Sunday, September 14, 2014

Scared Pit Bull left by Heartless Owners to Die

Scared Pit Bull, pit bull rescue

Hope For Paws received a call from Rescue From The Hart about a Pit Bull stranded in a remote location. The dog's heartless, irresponsible owners had abandoned her there, leaving her to die. She was found in a vacant fenced government property that the rescuers couldn't access, so they needed the pit bull to come to them. The rescuers placed a cheeseburger across the road, hoping that the pit bull found a way out of the fence to get to the food. Well she did, the goodhearted rescuers tried to bait her with the food throwing little pieces, but she was afraid of them and was extremely cautious so they set a trap instead and watch her from a distance. She was so hungry that after a few minutes, she took the bait and the trap door closed behind her. Now she's safe thanks to the rescuers!

The moment she was in a safe location the rescuers remove her from the trap cage and after some time she was wagging her tail, it was so heartwarming. I hope someone adopt her!

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