Sunday, January 24, 2016

Health Officials Warned US Dog Owners of H3N2 Dog Flu as it Spreads

H3N2 Dog Flu, sick dog

A dangerous new strain of dog flu is spreading throughout the country as it infect more dogs, a dog in Montana recently tested positive for the highly contagious virus, and the Washington state health department is warning pet owners after possible exposure at a Seattle-area kennel.

The H3N2 dog flu started in Chicago and is now causing major concerns as an outbreak spreads out.

The Seattle and King County health department posted on their Facebook account the symptoms of the deadly flu.

The emergency situation has been declared in December when the Kent kennel received and treated 80 dogs infected with the new strain of flu. It is not known how canine H3N2 virus was introduced into the United States. Canine influenza A H3N2 virus was first detected in dogs in South Korea in 2007.

If your dog has symptoms, Health officials recommends calling your vet immediately. However, do not take your dog to the vet office without calling ahead of time because the virus is highly contagious.

Here are the signs and symptoms?

- The dog flu is like the human flu
- coughing
- weakness
- lack of appetite
- fever
- dogs may become lethargic

Dogs are typically ill within 24 hours of exposure.

Humans can't contract the virus, but they could spread it to healthy dogs after close contact with an infected dog.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Dog Gives his Buddy a Hug

dogs, pets, hugging dogs

A 2 year old border collie has gone viral with his amazing skill of hugging his best friend Grizzly, a 2-year-old German shepherd.

The dogs are owned by Taylor Duguay, of Sudbury Ontario, Canada. The owner taught her 2-year-old border collie to give hugs to his best friend.

Lottie's latest Vine has been viewed about 35 million times.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Funny Dog Video: Pet Dog Teach Baby How to Slide

Funny Dog Video, dog video, funny dog

This smart dog shows a baby on how to slide in the snow. It was a hilarious video. The baby in pink overalls push around the tire tube, she looks confused on what to do with it. Then this hilaroius pooch pass-by sliding his hind legs in a very funny way.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dog Bear

Dog Bear, cute dog,

Is this cuddly little creature a dog or a bear? The picture was posted on Reddit with the caption "Somebody brought this bear into doggie day care" and the picture become viral and people argue if it's indeed a bear.

BuzzFeed was able to contact the owner and confirmed that it is a dog. She’s a Pomeranian mix named Bounce, who lives in Georgia, but that picture was taken at a Nashville doggie daycare.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Pet Safety: Most Pet Restraints in Cars Fail Crash Tests

Pet Safety, pet safety harness, pet restraints
Pet owners enjoy taking their pets for a car ride, which experts say that they should always be kept in a safety harnesses for the pet's safety as well for the owners.

Without the safety harnesses, pets can be a distraction while driving and in an event of an accident they can be a projectile that can hurt everyone, including themselves.

However, experts are warning pet owners that most of the pet safety restraints being sold in pet stores don't work in a crash.  In crash tests by the Center for Pet Safety, a nonprofit watchdog group, 25 of 29 products failed to protect the dummy pet. This is really problematic since if the  safety restraint fails it can put your family and the driver at risk.

Despite claim of being "tested,” no pet restraints are tested by a regulatory agency, that includes government regulators.

Pet Safety, pet safety harness, pet restraints
Pet Safety, pet safety harness, pet restraints
Pet Safety, pet safety harness, pet restraints

The Center for Pet Safety list the products that did well in the test:

Sleepypod Clickit Utility $89.99 at Amazon
Gunner Kennel G1 Intermediate with Strength Rated Anchor Straps
G1 Intermediate TM $549.99 at Amazon
~   8' Tie-Down Straps $79.99 at Amazon
Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed with PPRS Handilock.$187.39 at Amazon
PetEgo Jet Set Forma Frame Carrier with ISOFIX-Latch Connection $133.99 at Amazon