Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas to all of you! 2015

Heaven and earth is ready to Celebrate
The birthday of our Savior
Who has sacrificed himself
to save us from our sins

Merry Christmas to all of you! 

Merry Christmas greetings, Merry Christmas 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sad Photo of Police Hugging His Dying Horse

dying horse, pet, police horse

A photo of a police officer hugging his dying horse has gone viral on Facebook with the online community offering their sympathy.  The photo shows a police horse lying down on the street with a police officer comforting and hugging her. The horse name was Charlotte and she's with the Houston Police Department. The police officer embracing her is her partner Officer D. Herrejon.

The horse got was spooked by a cement truck, she bucked the rider and ran into the street, a truck which is running fast hit her. The truck driver, however, is “not believed to be at fault” for the crash.

The Houston Police Department announced Charlotte's death last Thursday on their Facebook Pagea:

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Woman posted A Picture of her dog with a Duct Taped Snout

Katie Brown, duct taped dog, dog, pet

Katie Brown thought it was funny to post a picture of her dog with a duct-taped snout on Facebook with the caption "This is what happens when you don't shut up!!!" It went viral and people are not happy and accused her of abusing her poor dog. Her post is no longer posted, she may have took it down to avoid the backlash but was too late. The City of South Daytona, Florida was inundated with messages from concerned citizen reporting that the dog was in danger, since Katie Brown hometown posted on Facebook is South Daytona, Florida. However, authorities located her in North Carolina.

She was later identified as 45-year-old Katharine Lamansky she was charged with animal cruelty by officials in Cary, North Carolina.

The dog in the picture was examined by the local authorities and found to be in good condition. Cary Police Captain Randall Rhyne stated:

"Taping the dog's muzzle shut was a terrible decision on Ms. Lemansky's part, and charging her with animal cruelty under North Carolina law was the right thing to do. At the same time, it's important to also note that our animal control officers who physically examined both Brown and her littermate found the dogs to be very well cared for, which is why we did not and could not remove them from the owner. The dogs are current on their shots, spayed, and microchipped. They are clean and well-nourished and appear to be comfortable in their surroundings. And there were no signs of injury to Brown's muzzle, not even detectable hair loss."